Goodbye Fiji

Our last day in Fiji didn’t start an a very good note. I woke up with a stomach pain that was horrible. I was supposed to go scuba diving in the ocean but I couldn’t. I was devestated. I’ve always wanted to go scuba diving. Sometime later we got on the boat. Once we got back to the main island, we went to the friends we had made’s hotel. The hotel had four pools.

When I woke up I was hurried to pack up. We got in the shuttle and headed to the airport. Then we got on the plane headed to Sydney, Australia.

2 thoughts on “Goodbye Fiji

  1. Hi Jules. I am all caught up on your blog. Cannot wait to hear about Australia. Please write about your mom’s attack by the pelican. I am sorry you guys are throwing up a lot and that you did not get to go SCUBA diving.

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