Hello Sydney, Australia

The plane ride to Sydney was nice. Once we got there, we went to our hotel and checked in. We then went to the Sydney Eye Tower. It was so cool! It’s a giant tower way above Sydney. The highest in fact. We got strapped in and got to stand on the edge outside. On the glass. It was scary. The next day we took the ferry over to Watson’s Bay and the Maritime museum. At Watson’s Bay there was a giant pelican. My mom tried to take a picture with it but it lunged at her. She screamed so loud! At the Maritime museum we saw a replica of Captain Cook’s ship that he found Australia in.

Right next to our hotel there was a mall and in it was a Haviaina’s vending machine. There was also a restaurant called Pie Face where we ate meat pies. They were delicious!

We rented a car and drove to Bondi Beach. In Australia they drive on the left side of the road and the steering wheel is on the right side. My parents weren’t used to this and we almost died! The turn signal is on the opposite side so my parents kept turning on the wipers instead of the turn signal. It was hilarious.

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