Land of the Crocodiles

When we got off the airplane in Cairns it was raining. We scrambled to the car and buckled up. My dad tried get the GPS working but couldn’t. When I tried to help him he got mad because his 10 year old daughter had to tell him how. You would have to press start but he would think it was loading. He would type in the house number were it said street. You know, typical dad stuff. When I told him to press start he would give me the stink eye. We drove to Port Douglas where we are staying.

Yesterday we went to Hadley’s Crocodile Adventure. They have a crocodile farm that raises 3,000 crocodiles! Each croc lays 40 eggs! They also said that there’s 10-15 adult crocs every 1 kilometer! When we got there we hopped on a boat that took us around a man made lagoon. The lagoon had 25 crocs. The driver attached meat to a stick and stuck in the water. Soon there were crocs everywhere. When the crocs jumped up to get it the driver would move the stick away so you could see it jump up and show its giant teeth and mouth. He put the meat right next to my window so the crocs would jump against me. I kept freaking out.

After the boat ride we went to the croc attack show. The guy talked about croc safety and how to get away if they snag you. He put cow hide on a giant rope and threw it to the croc. The crocs name was Hagred and he was big!

Today we were going to go snorkeling, but it was too rainy so we moved it to tomorrow. We went down to town and window shopped. Decker really wanted to go to Target so we had to go. He got a transformer and I got a dress. He hasn’t let go of the transformer all day. He loves it! I love my dress too! We came back home and are just chilling.

12 thoughts on “Land of the Crocodiles

  1. Dear Julia, Poppy and I are enjoying the posts. Your croc experience would have me screaming. Could you include the name of the place you are when you post? Thanks Ii am trying to keep track of where you go.
    All is good here in Montauk. We miss you all.
    PS: your Dad gives me the same stink eye, but keep helping him.


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