
On June 10 we flew to Colombo, Sri Lanka, which is off the southern tip of India.9B96C73B-3C90-489C-BD5B-D1F2D68ACD43

We spent the night and when we woke up it was the countdown to when the Nickums were to arrive. If you don’t know the Nickums, that either means you don’t live in Hailey, Idaho, or you’re crazy. Hilary and Christian are the parents, which is ironic, because my mom’s name is Hilary too. They have kids named Maddox and Sydney. Maddox is 14 and Syd is my age, 11. Syd and I are really good friends. Syd and I met in kindergarten and she has been one of my best friends since. So then our parents met and they are also really good friends. Both with the same name!F33FA550-5A49-44CA-BAC8-AC925164CB6C

We were siting on the rooftop pool of our hotel and it was half an hour until they were to come. I couldn’t sit still. I was jumping and hopping and annoying everyone around me. Then ten minutes to go I couldn’t wait any longer. So I made everyone come down with me. Then they came. It was so amazing!! I was sooooo excited. We went to dinner and then went to bed.4EB83761-13BA-452E-AAB2-466D22E6599F

The next day we went to open all the things that people had sent to us through the Nickums. (Thank you so, so, so much if you were one of those people!!!) I now officially have a completely full backpack. After that we walked down town and visited these really cool Buddhist shrines. In the second biggest one there was the smallest Buddha in the world. You had to look at it though a magnifying glass! It was crazy.



One thought on “Colombo

  1. Looks like so much fun! How are you!!!! Have a great time!! Counting down the days till you get back!! Miss you!


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