The Sri Lankan Village

Another cool part about Lanka Lodge was that it was stationed right next to tiny “roads” in which the Sri Lankan villagers lived. One day we were walking along the big road back to Lanka Lodge when this little old lady was like,” Come, come… come”. So we followed her down the little road and we passed kids running and these little 4 year olds carrying big wood logs back to their homes. Then we passed this little house and this girl who seemed to be about 11 or 12 kept telling us to go in. So we did. In her house was this big open space with some plastic chairs. In the room was a cute little baby and the girl’s sister that looked about 15. Once we stepped in two little 5-year-old boys ran in. We asked the girl how old she was and she said that she was 14! And than we asked what her brother’s name was and she said that it was actually her sister’s baby! Then the dad walked in and the parents engaged in conversation. Then they asked us to have dinner with them! “Fish curry”. The dad told us his phone number and we asked what his name was. He told us, “Fisherman Man”. We had our Polaroid cameras with us and we all got together and I took a photo. When it came out we showed it to them and then one of the little boys grabbed the picture and ran around the village showing everyone. After that we walked back to Lanka Lodge and all had a great big laugh.


P.S. Check out my “Route” page in the toolbar!

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