Weligama and Lanka Lodge

The next day we took a 4-hour drive to this tiny town called Weligama. It’s a surfing town. It has really good surfing for beginners (us). It’s a really great town. Very authentic. There were cows in the middle of the road and on the beach just minding there own business and happily munching.

One of the best parts about it was the place we stayed. It’s called Lanka lodge and it’s amazing. One of the best parts is that they cook you really authentic Sri Lankan food. Sri Lankan food is a bit like Indian in the sense of rice and curry. You get one main dish and then a lot of different delicious side dishes. A lot of them are spicy. Lanka Lodge is on the beach, but not a surfing or swimming or chillaxing beach. It has sharp rocks and seashells. One day Syd, Christian, and I walked down on the beach to collect seashells. And boy, were their a lot of amazing ones. We were out there for about 2 hours and we almost missed breakfast. There was some tide pools with sea cucumbers. We also hiked up a hill and chucked rocks at unsuspecting and suspecting crabs below. By the end of it our feet where all numb.

On one of the touristy beaches we went to there was this restaurant called W15 that we went to twice. They had a really nice beach and a great pool.

Another amazing thing was that their was monkeys in the trees in our yard sometimes. One time when they were their we got to feed them!!!




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